Status: 08.12.2024 08:23 Uhr

A nice World Cup you can find is in Berlin and Brandenburg without any effort – not to mention the costs. Am Berliner Hauptbahnhof received the Nutzungspreis now here. But Berlin and a Swabian app are an alternative. By Sylvia Lundschien

At the Berliner Hauptbahnhof the use of open toilets has become available: since December 18. November the cost of the toilets at the “rail & fresh” service at the Hauptbahnhof now costs 1.50 euros and costs 1.00 euros. The best answer to a question about the North Rhine-Westphalian Betreiberunternehmens Hering-Sanikonzept, desen Marke “rail & fresh” is, on the RBB page.

If the Grund für de Preiserhöhung nte das Unternehmen gegenüber der Katholiek Nachrichten-Agentur, dass man “op Preissteigerungen der vergangen Jahre für Löhne and Gehälter, Wasser and Abwasser anyway Nebenkosten reagieren müsse”. Make sure you keep the price of a euro for the toilet bowl stable for 15 years.

The Preiserhöhung is used for the Unternehmenssprecherin not all Berliner Bahnhöfe, aber sieben major Hauptbahnhöfe in Deutschland: neben Berlin auch in Munich, Frankfurt am Main, Mannheim, Essen, Cologne and Stuttgart.

The fact is that the Bahnhof has another option not to use the Sprecherin. It is a matter of “a spirited takeover of the affected stand, but a country-specific price”.

Archivbild: Wall-Toilette am Bundesplatz, Berlin Wilmersdorf. (Quelle.dpa/Joko)

107 open Berliner Toiletten-Anlagen sollen free nutzbar signal

Automatic, barrier-free and self-cleaning since the open toilets in Berlin – but if the 50 Cent is not in hand, one of the Service will not bring it. But that in itself is baldness.more

More resources to put together

The money is worth taking into account the use of the toilet facilities. Before the cleaning products and other products are “tarifliche und ubertarifliche Löhne”, so the Sprecherin gegenüber der KNA.

Children can pay toilet fees, concrete pouring for a year – at the Standort Berliner Hauptbahnhof. If you get a personal answer, it’s a matter of no problem.

The installation of the toilet bowls takes: Pro WC-Anlage would invest an amount of 1.2 million euros in annual revenue, “a comfort and the sauce at the highest level of the KNA”, says the Sprecherin gegenüber der KNA.

If you are worried about a price increase, Wildpinkelei is no longer so, while the Sprecherin says he is “experiencing problems”. Man will have an “angenehme mistake” in the toilets of the other toilets, which is the eintrittsprei Rechtfertige.

Deutsche Bahn has good understanding with a premium price

The Deutsche Bahn itself will rely on the years that its own Bahnhof toilets take longer and that the latter owner uses Aussage and an incomplete system provider.

With the Neugestaltung des Nutzungentgelts at the Berliner Hauptbahnhof, it is the case that the Deutsche Bahn at a rate of the rbb with: “Eine kostendeckende Betreibung van Toilettenanlagen ist für die Betreiber nur mittels eines angemessenen Nutzungsentgeltes umsetzbar”, so a Sprecherin. If you want to calculate the costs of the transaction costs, you can make the bet with the preisanstieg reactions: “In the years that the WC anlagen of (the Anbietern) are carried out, sanitary and optical are improved as technically as possible”, this remains further.

If all goes well, please contact the Deutsche Bahn about the Gestaltungsspielraum in the preparation of the toilet facilities and the Bahnhof-hätte and about their usefulness.

The provider “rail & fresh” is available during the day in Berliner Bahnhöfen ( In Brandenburg there are toilets and railway stations in Frankfurt (Oder) and Cottbus.

Toilette in the Görlitzer Park. (Photo: dpa)

Reinigungstrupps sollen Vermüllung von Toiletten am Görlitzer Park verhindern

Roads of cleaning through the Drogenszene in Kreuzberg where the toilets are cleaned. The products are offered to the Drogenkonsum, vermüllt or zerstört. Nun soll fell Money helps – for cleansing and social security.more

107 “Berliner Toilets” from Wall were made free of charge

Neben “rail & fresh” is connected to the external walls of the public toilets in Berlin. Insgesamt betreibt es davon 278 Stück (Stand: June 2024) in Berlin, alle eigentum des Landes Berlin, so a Wall-Sprecherin auf rbb-Nachfrage.

If you are looking for a glove in the city, focus directly on Umfeld in the regional and fernbahnhöfen of S-wie ( Here the price of 50 cents takes some of the costs that can be incurred. At the end of June 2024, the war began to end the start of the war Free use of 107 wall toilets it is no different.

Kinder der Paul-Simmel-Grundschule aus Berlin starting on 18.06.2024 beim 1. Deutschen Schultoilettengipfel der German Toilet Organization (GTO) einen Tanz vor. (Quelle: dpa-Bildfunk/Bernd von Jutrczenka)

Berliner Schule wins prize for idea law for saubere Schulklos

It is Orte, that man lieber meidet. Zum Beispiel Schulklos. For more Sauberkeit, it is the first Deutsche Schultoiletten-Gipfel at the service one. A Berliner Schulklasse hat has its own design – with inheritance. Von Moritz Hohmann more

“Nette Toilette” app offers free toilets – last year in Brandenburg

Costs can be enjoyed in Berlin and they can spend so much time Missoirs in Berlin (, Hock Urinal for all women. More positive effect: The Missoir consumes no water, is technically a Trockenklo.

It is often the case that people use a toilet or have a toilet at their seat or an invisible cupboard, so that a barrier-free toilet or a wheelchair-accessible baby toilet is used. You can make the right choice for the foods you can use or use in the mail trade with apps such as Toilet Finder, Toilets Scout or HandicapX that can help you find a toilet. We recommend that you stay informed of the special toilet costs that you may receive and to which you are entitled.

Another alternative is the app “Nette Toilette” (, about which people can find free toilets in guesthouses and communities. The idea has been in use for 25 years and originates from a Swabian Werbeagentur in Aalen.

If you start with a job with Flyern (which is a larger amount), Andrea Lose vom bereibenden Unternehmen “Studioo GmbH”. If you want, you can use some kind of free app to find a toilet – you then recognize the standard on the plaque or on the wall. The toilet is ready to use the app.

It is a location of the “Netten Toilette” in Brandenburg (Bad Freienwalde, Fürstenberg/Spree, Neuenhagen near Berlin, Seddiner See, Seelow, Strausberg, Trebbin). In Berlin there is now a permanent background – Berlin-Mitte. Allerdings are here without any difficulty. If you lose the smell of the perfume with the rbb, then the body dies, while you use a Lizenz for a year, which worked for the “Nette Toilette” – you will get a smell yourself, which can scold you . Warum never dies again, but can no longer live. I’m a guy who played for a Lizenz for a long time, the whole Berliner Bezirke is so fast. But Dieser Deal did not come to this point, so you lose.

A man can use “Nette Toilets” when visiting the toilet

The idea of ​​the toilet app is that the city of Aalen turns the new Bau into a new toilet application. More favorable wars, the best toilets in gastronomy and electronic commerce in sales are provided and this monatliche consumption of the city is rewarded. If the toilet is sucked up, the jewelry may no longer be clean or it may be natural.

These ideas come from the hundreds of city and community areas, so Lose – auch in Österreich and Switzerland become the Konzept. If you want to see an opportunity, you can use the app for free Zapfstellen for Trinkwasser-hinzuweeisen, such as losses. For all Senior and Tourism Association fragments of Lizenzen an.

For a Lizenzgebühr, a city, municipality and district in the “Nettoilette” network can be used and its location is plotted. After the calculation, i.e. loss, you can put a man for the price of a regular toilette with “Neat Toilets” – and that is a denser Netz and a good toilet seat. The app is so barrier-free that the toilet bowls or solche with Wickeltisch are found. If you use a new toilet stand or use a new toilet stand, it is digitally enabled, so you lose.

In general, the app is used freely – the Swabian unternehmen earn for all money and the erteilten Lizenzen. “Es geht uns nicht um den Kommerz”, so loss. “It’s a service project.”


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